Vítame Vás na webe nášho nového projektu TWINSCHOOLS 

Základná škola Gorazdova, Bánovce nad Bebravou Vás víta na našej spoločnej spolupráci TWINSCHOOLS, pomocou ktorej budú naše školy komunikovať prostredníctvom rôznych projektov, prezentácií, noviniek, vizitiek, emailov a návštev. Do tohto projektu sú zapojení žiaci zo Základnej školy Zlín, Slovenská 3076 a žiaci zo Súkromnej základnej školy Wonderschool, Bilíkova 34 z Bratislavy.

V rámci tohto projektu si žiaci upevnia svoje vedomosti nielen z anglického jazyka, ale prostredníctvom rôznych tém aj z iných vyučovacích predmetov ako napríklad Geografie, Dejepis, Biológia, Občianska náuka a i., TWINSCHOOLS zároveň motivuje žiakov k väčšej komunikácií a aktivite na hodinách.

Údaje o projekte

European cities constitute Europe together. We create images by capturing the particular details of moments. We make albums from these images and these albums set up the scene of a city, a culture and a nation, and the wonders of everyday life will come to life before our eyes. We are inviting European students to take part in an exciting discovery. Let's have a look into places that are popular with students.

Predmety: cudzie jazyky , dejepis, geografia , ICT , telesná výchova , umenie,,,

Jazyky: ANJ - SJL-CZE

Vek žiakov: 11-14

Využité nástroje:, e-mail, Powerpoint, video, fotografie,), Chat


  • My aim is teaching students sensitivity to visual culture. Photography cultivates creativity, visual communication, individual and team work, helps one with getting information, building up klnowledge and developing skills. Pupils from 11-14 is open minded age-group. In my opinion it is important to give them tasks that will pique their interest and motivate their mind and soul.

Očakávané výsledky:

The project will go on for one school year, and we hope to be co-operating with several schools to create the photo album of Europe. The album will be available on a website and you will be able to take virtual walks using the maps of the cities participating in the project; the spots of photos provided by our students will be located on the maps. This project is usefull for contacting other students, developing writing and understanding skills , creating blogs, using Photoshop and Powerpoint, making websites and organising videos.

Tešíme sa na našu spoluprácu !! 

Základná škola, Ul. Gorazdova 1319/6, Bánovce nad Bebravou 957 04Ul. Gorazdova 1319/6
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